Saturday, April 9, 2011

Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake

This time, we re-discuss an interesting topic, namely the "Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake. " Where, in this topic, try to mention how many levels of sodium in Healthy Fast Food itself. Well to shorten the time, we consider the Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake only at Healthy fast Food For Family.

Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake.
High salt/sodium intake is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends that adults stay under 1500 mg of sodium per day, and never take in more than 2,300 mg a day. A study by the New York City Health Department surveyed 6,580 meals bought at fast-food restaurant chains and found that:

About 57% of the meals exceeded the 1,500-mg daily sodium level.
Fried chicken outlets including KFC and Popeye's were the worst offenders, with 83% of meals exceeding 1500 mg of sodium and 55% of the meals surpassing 2,300 mg of sodium.
At only one of the 11 chains included in the study, Au Bon Pain, did more than 7% of meals contain less than 600 mg, the FDA’s "healthy" sodium level for meals. But even there, 46% of meals had 1,500 mg or more of sodium.
Even those eating lower calorie meals were likely to exceed their daily sodium limit within a single meal.

That's how many actually Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake, how do you think? If the topic of Healthy Fast Food Sodium Intake above, there is an error, please correct it in the comments field below and do not forget to listen to Asian Healthy Fast Food.


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